[作文号:1377513] 跨文化交际作业4(2019-05-04)
要求:Case 1       Tom, an American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offered sometea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. He drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then "' until he was quite full. Tom was totally confused by the way of entertaining. Question 1: Why was Tom totally confused? Case 2     Study the following two short speeches. One is given by a Hong Kong Chinese and the other by an American businessman.    A. Because most of our production is done in China now, and it's not really certain how  Hong Kong will be like after 1997, and since I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense. So, I suggest that we  delay making our decision until after Legeo makes its decision.       B. I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.  That's because I think a certain amount of caution in committing to TV advertisement is  necessary because of the expense. In addition to that, most of our production is done ir,  China now, and it's not really certain how Hong Kong will be like after 1997.  Question 2:  Which speech might be given by the Chinese and which by the American? Give your reasons.
[作文号:1365826] 《中国老师来了》观后感(2019-04-24)
[作文号:1351377] 跨文化交际作业3(2019-04-15)
要求:文化差异  同一种动物在东西方不同的文化背景下所表达的含义不尽相同。在西方人眼里,蝙蝠就是一个邪恶、丑陋的吸血鬼(bloodsucker)。但是在我国南方,旧式住 宅的门上常常雕刻着蝙蝠,因为蝙蝠是好运、健康、财富、幸福的象征。西方人认 为孔雀走起路来总是趾高气扬,目中无人,头冠(crown)频频摆动,还不时开屏炫耀其美丽,这是“骄傲”、“虚荣”的表现。而中国人认为孔雀开屏是喜庆吉祥的象征,所以人们常用孔雀比喻美丽的人或事物。  
[作文号:1351361] 推荐信(教学法作业2)(2019-04-15)
要求:        假如你是广西医科大学英语系的教师王森,想将你的学生沈明推荐去澳大利亚悉尼(Sidney)Lemon语言学院进修。请根据下列简况和要求用英语给对方校长写一封100左右词的推荐信。已给的开头和结尾不计入总词数。简况:        (1) 沈明,广西医科大学英语系应届毕业生,现年21岁,2015年进校,四年来在班上一直名列前茅,2018年曾获得全校大学生英语演讲比赛冠军。 (2) 沈明出身于教师家庭,父母均是英语教师。她本人对英语教学很感兴趣。希望能有机会进修英语、语言学(linguistics)和教学法(methodology)。 要求: (1) 字数: 150
[作文号:1351328] 作文2(读写译作业)(2019-04-15)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Attend Your Classes Regularly. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:   1. 大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象   2. 保证学生出勤水平对大学教育的重要性   3. 作为学生应该怎样做   
[作文号:1338086] 跨文化交际作业2(2019-04-01)
要求:Watch the film The Joy Luck Club  and write down your movie review.
[作文号:1326132] 跨文化交际作业1(2019-03-19)
要求:Task 1Ten years ago, I met a Chinese doctor in the United States, and fell in love with him. In less than 6 months we got married. After my graduation we returned to Finland. My husband had long wished to bring his mother to live with us for a while. Last summer, after we re-decorated our house, we invited her over. You can well imagine how happy my husband was! And I was just as happy. I know being filial to parents is a great value Chinese people cherish. As wife of a Chinese, I try to be as filial as my husband.       Two days after my mother-in-law’s arrival, I talked to my husband, Dick, while his mother was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.Litz:  Dick, how long is your mum going to stay?Dick: I don’t know. I haven’t asked her.Litz:  Why not ask her?Dick: What do you mean by asking her?Litz:  I mean what I said. Just ask her how long she’s going to stay.         Can you guess what was going to happen the next day? My mother-in-law overheard our conversation, and decided to leave for China the very afternoon. I had never expected that her visit should be so short. I tried very hard to persuade her to change her mind, but in vain. 1. Why did the Chinese mother-in-law decide to leave the very afternoon?2. What was wrong with Litz asking her husband how long his mother was going to stay just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival?Task 2(见P62-case 8) 
[作文号:1297190] quiz 2 案例分析(2018-12-27)
要求:Case 1 One of Canada’s leading banks invited a Chinese delegation for dinner. The Canadian host chose to share his hosting responsibilities with a colleague.The dinner was not a success. Both the Chinese and the Canadians remained relatively uneasy throughout the meal. During the dinner, no welcoming speeches or toasts to mutual good health were made. At the end of the meal, the Chinese stood up, thanked the bank officials, declined a ride back to their hotel, and left feeling slighted.The Canadians also felt upset. They found the departure of the Chinese to be very abrupt, yet they did not know what they had done wrong. Despite planning the menu carefully (avoiding such foods as beef and dairy products), providing excellent translation services, and extending normal Canadian courtesies, the Canadians knew something had gone wrong; they were worried and somewhat hurt by their lack of rapport.1  Why was the dinner not a success as it had been expected by the Canadians? Case 2 Linhua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China. They have experienced the hospitality of the Chinese people. After returning to America, Linhua once visited them. They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to host the meal, but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Linhua ordered her own. When footing the bill, they only paid their part,and no one wanted to pay for Linhua. Linhua found them so inhospitable, though she knew the Americans would usually pay for their own food.2. Why did Linhua find them inhospitable?
[作文号:1297188] 中国式送礼(2018-12-27)
要求: 在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo),如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。
[作文号:1294189] The Best Way to Stay Healthy(2018-12-21)
要求:Your composition should be based on the following outline.1、People have various ways to keep healthy.2、My best way to stay healthy.
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